Janette Toral sharing her tourist experience in Australia.

Friday, 6 March 2009

3 Sides of the Coin - The Gambling Problem in Australia

I was at the Findon Library yesterday and discovered this ongoing exhibit dubbed as "3 Sides of the Coin" which talks about the history of gambling in Australia. It includes information also on the gambling problems of its migrants citizenry.

Sample gambling artifacts were also on display and they were an interesting collection piece indeed.

Commercial gambling in Australia has changed the industry a lot and there are many ways that locals can gamble. During 2003-2004, Australians spent, or lost, AU$16 billion on gambling. In South Australia, folks spent AU$1.062 billion which over 68% was lost in poker machines.

South Australians who have gambling problems can seek help by contacting the Gambling Help Line at 1800-060-757 that provides free counseling or join gamblers / pokers anonymous self-help groups.

You can also refer to Break Even Counselling Services such as:
  • Southern
    UnitingCare Wesley Adelaide (08-8202-5180)
    Christies Beach Office (08-8329-1700)

  • Western
    UnitingCare Wesley Bowden (08-8245-7100)
    The Salvation Army (08-8445-2111)

  • Central & Eastern
    Relationships Australia (08-8223-4566)

  • Northern
    Anglicare (08-8256-2170)

  • Regional
    UnitingCare Wesley Port Pirie (08-8633-8600)
    Relationships Australia (SA) Riverland & Murraylands (08-8582-4122 or 1800 182 325)
    Centacare Whyalla (08-8645-8233)
    Lifeline South East, Mt. Gambier (08-8723-2299)

  • Statewide
    Flinders Therapy Services for Problem Gamblers (08-8204-4779)
    Relationships Australia (SA) - (PEACE) Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Communities Services (08-8245-8100)
    Nunkuwarrin Yunti, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Persons (08-8223-5217)
    Vietnamese Community in Australia (08-8447-8821)
    Overseas Chinese Association (08-8445-1677)
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