Janette Toral sharing her tourist experience in Australia.

Saturday 20 December 2008

Mailboxes & New Home

We are still not sure if we will be starting our search for a new home soon as we await on who will end up buying the property we live in today. However, I already expressed to my partner that we need one or two mailboxes.

One of the mail boxes can be small for the usual letters and a big one for all the brochures, newsletters, and newspaper we get in the mail.

I am particularly concern with our mailbox as I receive parcels coming from book publishers to review their book and possibly feature them in one of my blogs. At times when no one is at home, the courier ends up leaving a note about it. However, if we have a bigger one, I'm sure this won't be an issue anymore. There are also sites where you can start canvassing for the mail box that will suit your home and have an idea about its price.
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