To kick-off its introduction and release to the market, I'm giving a copy of the book to ten (10) Australia-based bloggers who'll make a blog post about it.
Just post a comment here with a link to your blog post.
My initial budget is only 10 copies but can adjust depending on the response. Cut-off date is on August 25, 2008. The selected blog posts will be posted on August 26, 2008.
Some notes I'd like to share:
- You can order a copy today for ten dollars (AU$10) plus seven dollars (AU$7) shipping charge. Books will be shipped beginning August 26.
- The title of the book was inspired by my lifestyle in Australia where I blog and work from home.
- Included the Charles Sturt library in the dedication page. The library has made my life at home very much enjoyable.
- Mind maps used as outline for the book were also included at the start of every chapter for reference.
- The book has 28 discussion points where book owners can participate or continue the discussion.
- The book has a Facebook fan page where book owners are encourage to submit a photo holding the book with a link to their blog.