Janette Toral sharing her tourist experience in Australia.

Saturday 5 January 2008

Aussie Blogs in Entrecard

One of the communities I got the chance to join lately is Entrecard. This site allows you to do the following:
  • Each time you visit a blog that has the entrecard widget, you can drop a card that earns both of you 1 advertising credit.
  • You can use this credit to place ads to other participating blogs. Once approved, your 125x125 ad will appear for one day. They can also do the same to your blogs.
Some of the things I've done with this system are as follows:
  • Instead of home pages, you can opt to promote a specific blog post especially if you are running a contest, activity, or have a feature article that is worth promoting.
  • Cross advertise. If you have a several blogs, you can opt to have blogs cross advertise with each other especially when you just joined and the credit required is still low.
There's not too many Australia-theme blogs in Entrecard at the moment. This is what I found so far and through Lani, noted as well those that have their shared their blogs in the Aussie Bloggers Forum.
Hope to see more Aussie and Australia theme blogs. Will update this once I found another one. I also urge you to check out Andrew's list.


Anonymous said...


The Aussie Bloggers Forum is building up a list of which of the forum members are on it, which is inspiring a few more people to join so you will find some more Aussie blogs with Entrecard in this thread.

Aussie Bloggers using Entrecard

It's OK to be WEIRD! said...

I always seem to gravitate toward folks from 'Down Under' both Aussies and Kiwis! I have many friends down there!! It's great to meet you. There are a lot of Filipino blogs on Entrecard I've noticed. An interesting mix, I should say!

Thanks for stopping by my blog and entering my contest. Winners were posted yesterday.

Anonymous said...

, And I suppose I should have mentioned myself: Blogging Personal.

Thanks for putting together the list. It will be a useful resource. (Or is it a conspiracy, now? :) )

Janette Toral said...

@Lani - thanks for the information sharing and I look forward to your blog launch. Andrew has also begun tracking and I reconcile my list with his regularly. Conspiracy? Maybe. =)

@Sweet mummy - congratulations to your contest. I agree with you that the diversity within Entrecard is simply amazing. If not for it, I would not have discovered your blog. =)

Jayne said...

Great blog :)

Anonymous said...

I wish I could grasp how it works :(

Janette Toral said...

@Jayne - thanks!

@Susanna - I normally check on my entrecard whenever I have a new blog post and use it to place campaigns.