Janette Toral sharing her tourist experience in Australia.

Thursday 1 May 2008

Practical online marketing via Facebook

A blogger I recently met in the Adelaide bloggers meet-up asked me a question through Facebook chat. This is on how to market bead jewelry products online. She regularly post her items via Etsy but was hoping for higher volume.

I am also into bead jewelry as a hobby although that didn't click much then back in Manila as it is easier to sell items directly face-to-face which my sister and I end up doing through our friends.

But for Australia, the story may be different especially for those of us who are not in the main city areas. I think if I will make my own bead jewelry today, I will create a website still (whether own or via Etsy) and I will market it through Facebook by creating a page and target the more than 1 million Aussie users via an ad campaign.


Last week, the Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs in 2008 writing project was just launched. One major dilemma that I had last year was the lack of international participation. I'm asking for your help and support by joining the writing project.


On another note, I just arrived in Manila last April 25. The 4th Philippine Blogging Summit or iBlog4 went very well. Campaigns are now in full steam for the upcoming Social Networking and eBusiness Conference on May 20 and 21.

My brother-in-law arrived in Adelaide two weeks ago to start his work contract. My sister will be joining him by next week. I'm excited as it is different to have a family member close by that can be contacted and share some time together. At least Christmas will be different this year.

Will be back soon in time for the June 2008 Adelaide Bloggers Meetup.